[保養] 專注收毛孔既BB精華

尋日講咗枝搞掂殘樣同收毛孔既mask!今日講下長期大熱既收毛孔BB精華。 呢樣野我都係video講過好多次,但係我又係唔記得寫blog! 哈哈~~ 呢個產品唔係我試,係我一個同事試,因為佢後生d,佢d毛孔係圓型,同埋佢係長期都會見到d毛孔,我覺得佢既特徵好啱用呢個產品,俾我更加啱,所以佢試係好適合。 另外店長都有試過,因為近期佢覺得佢d毛孔粗左好多,可能同成日要湊女長期唔夠瞓有關,就係因為咁佢都用左一個療程。 我自己既毛孔係水滴型(年紀大),我要用抗老既Devee先啱。同埋就算我有時唔夠精神d毛孔出黎say hi,我用尋日分享既Xtreme都搞得掂,所以我覺得我用個效果同分享都唔夠真實,所以呢個產品我自己唔試。我就佢地兩個既分享recap下俾大家聽。

(English:  I have talked about the “wake up” mask yesterday!  Today, I am moving onto another hot item – pore refining bb serum.  I have again mentioned it about 1 million times on video but somehow I forgot to put them in the blog!  *Laughs*~~ This is a product that was not tried by me, it was tried by my colleague because she is younger and her pores were rounded, plus she had been having this pore issues for ages, so with these qualities, I felt that she was my best candidate to try this out.  Also my Shop Manager had given this a try as well because recently she felt that her pores had become larger, maybe it’s due to the fact that she lacked some sleep as she has to constantly taken care of the two daughters.  She had recently finished a treatment as well.  My pores are the aging ones (more like water drops not rounded) due to my so many years on earth, so I have to opt for Devee.  Also even if sometimes my pores are obvious, Xtreme is enough to tackle that, therefore I feel like I am not the best candidate to use this.  Right, let me recap the two ladies’ journeys and comments for you.)

Wellmaxx Concentrates +Ginkgo Biloba 


價錢(Price):HK$399/ 7 ampoules

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

Made in Germany


使用次數(No. of Usage):1 friend tried for 4 weeks and the Shop Manager tried for 2 weeks

用法:兩盒為一個療程,洗完面直接用一枝精華,先倒三份一枝搽全面,吸哂之後再倒一半搽全面,再吸哂之後,倒埋剩翻個d再搽。之後如果皮膚覺得夠又唔乾,就咩都唔洗用,去瞓覺!但係如果吸哂之後覺得皮膚乾,咁on top加自己既面霜就可以去瞓覺。連續用兩個星期,就會見到毛孔有改善,之後用翻自己既產品兩個星期。如果想再加強效果,用完自己既產品兩星期之後,可以再用呢個多兩個星期!咁之後就可以隔

(English: Method to Use: 2 boxes is called a treatment.  After washing your face, pour 1/3 and massage on your face, then pour the remaining 1/2 on your face.  After absorption, pour the remaining to massage on your face.  Then if your skin feel that it’s not dry, there is no need to use anything, just head to bed.  However if you feel that your skin is still dry after, please add your own face cream on top.  You have to consistently use this every night for 2 weeks to see any results in pore refining.  After two weeks, you have to stop for two weeks (use your own skincare items during this time).  And if you want to enhance the results, use Ginkgo for another two weeks.  Afterwards, you can just use it randomly as maintenance.  In simple terms, the treatment goes –> use Gingko for 2 weeks –> stop for 2 weeks –> use Ginkgo for another two weeks –> only use Ginkgo when needed.)

用後感:店長同我朋友膚質唔同。 店長係乾性,我朋友係混合性篇油。 所以店長用Ginkgo既時候要on top加自己個cream,而朋友就冇加cream,所以加唔加cream呢個要睇你皮膚個feel喇。 兩個都話用左Ginkgo大概一星期就見到效果。 店長佢本身唔係長期有毛孔問題,所以我都見佢係好快已經收翻好似以前咁,佢用左一星期我望落毛孔唔多覺眼。 佢用埋另外個星期,而家停用左,我見佢無再反彈,所以佢有需要先再用。 而我另一個朋友就唔同,佢本身係毛孔粗同埋好多暗粒,佢用完一個星期個陣我印象最深既係佢皮膚望落平滑左,我地再研究下d毛孔係見到細咗少少,但係都唔係好細。 佢用埋另一個星期之後,我地見到佢既毛孔就真係比佢以前細左,但係如果你話係咪完全見唔到又唔係,叫比之前靚咗無咁明顯(喂,咁話哂d毛孔跟咗佢10幾年,Ginkgo又唔係神仙藥,我地都覺得無可能無哂啦!!)。 跟住我地都想睇下佢再用多兩星期效果會唔會更加好,所以佢停左兩個星期之後又再用Gingko兩星期,當中雖然我個朋友超想快d用翻Ginkgo,但係佢d毛孔無咩點反彈。 佢又再用多兩星期之後,我再研究佢d皮膚,皮膚個texture係真係比以前滑左(好明顯下),雖然暗粒都係度,但係整體感覺上係少咗同平滑左。 至於毛孔,我地覺得係收得再靚左d,真係要近距離先睇到喇(唔會冇咗啦!)。 佢而家都想up keep個效果,所以久唔久佢都會用一兩枝佢keep住!!  效果黎講店長同我朋友都係好滿意!!我要提一提大家,毛孔呢樣野係唔會無左,但係可以盡量收細,你地如果想收細毛孔(唔係老化型個d),我好建議你先試兩個星期。 但係如果你話你要完完全全消滅d毛孔,我就唔會建議Ginkgo俾你,亦都無產品係可以完完全全另你毛孔唔見咗丫! 仲有,一定要一晚用哂一枝BB精華,唔好慳去分兩晚用,人地計好哂份量係搽咁多先有效果,如果你分兩晚,咁唔會有最好效果丫! 同埋記得平日都要做好保濕呀,咁先可以keep住皮膚靚靚呀!!

(English: Product Review:  My Shop Manager and my friend have different skin types.  Shop Manager is on the dry side and my friend is on the combination to oily side.  So when Shop Manager used Ginkgo, she needed to add her own face cream on top; but when my friend used it, she didn’t feel the need.  Therefore, it’s entirely up to your skin whether you add a cream or not.  Both said after a week’s usage, they could see the result.  Shop Manager didn’t battle with pores for life, so I could see that after a week, her pores were somewhat back to where hers were before.  After another week, they were what they were before.  Now she has stopped the treatment for a bit and I don’t see anything abnormal.  So she will only use it again when she needs it.  On the other hand, my friend had been battling with the pore issues and she had many tiny bumps on her face.  After 1 week of her usage, the most prominent thing was that her skin looked smoother.  Then we investigated her pores, yes they had diminished a bit, but not dramatically.  Then she used it some more for another week and we agreed that her pores looked smaller than before.  Don’t get my wrong, we still saw them, it was just that they weren’t as obvious.  The story went on because we wanted to see if another two weeks would make some more difference.  So she stopped for 2 weeks, and then carried on with another Ginkgo treatment for 2 more weeks. During the resting period, she really wanted the time to fly so she could started the treatment again but as far as I could see, her pores didn’t become serious again.  Right, after finishing another treatment, I was impressed with her skin texture, it was obviously smoother than before, there were still bumps around, but the no. was less.  The overall skin texture is more refined.  For the pores, I gave the approval because I had to stay close to see them (they won’t disappear!!).  Now, she still uses Ginkgo from time to time to up keep the result.  Both ladies are happy with the effect.  Just to remind everyone, pores won’t disappear but they can be minimized.  If you want to minimize your pores (not the water drop ones), I highly recommend you give Ginkgo a try for two weeks.  But if you say you want to kill them entirely, I don’t suggest you to use Ginkgo, in fact I have no suggestion because no products can do the impossible.  Also, one ampoule has to be used up per night, because it’s designed that way, they have calculated how much to use for the optimal result, if you want to separate it into two nights, I don’t think it’s going to work as it should be.  And please remember to hydrate your skin consistently, moisture is the key to beautiful skin!!!)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)



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